Max Child Care

Schools are now closed and parents are literally going Crazy!

I have read very interesting comments and posts on Facebook about how parents deals with their children now that schools are closed.

 One mother points out that she is very tired and she cannot wait for the schools to open for her 6 year son to go back to school. She says she doesn’t know how to deal with his son anymore and she was seeking advice from other mothers.

Discipline is a major concern for most parents. How to go about it is also difficult to decide. Something helpful is understanding that there is a difference between a “spanking” & “beating”.

Also, there are several other ways to discipline a child. Such as time out sessions, firm talks or verbal reprimands, temporary suspension from favourite items/activities & many more.

But one golden rule is discipline should NEVER be conducted out of ANGER.

Whichever way you choose to discipline your child, make sure you inform your Nanny of what you expect of them when it comes to that, in order to ensure you’re on the same page. Explain to your nanny why you chose the method of discipline you do. When the times comes for it, make sure you discipline your child accordingly. Parents are obligated to discipline their child/children.

Your nanny is like an added parent to your household. As with your spouse, the children should always know that the nanny & parent(s) are in agreement when it comes to discipline. This means nannies should ALWAYS follow the disciplinary instructions of the children’s parents. In that, the nanny should feel she has the support of the parents.

Please share other methods or ways you discipline your child.


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