Max Child Care

Choosing a quality in-home childcare provider is never an easy task. When parents finally decide on offering a nanny a position, it’s usually due to a combination of agreeable personalities, the nanny’s professional experience and interest in the position. Below are a few questions you can ask during an interview to gauge compatibility.

  1. Tell me more about yourself: This is a very important question as it will give you an idea of the kind of a nanny you will be working with. This will help you know the nannies age, where they come from, age and their communication skills.

  2. What experience do you have?: This is one of the most important questions. You can learn the number of years the nanny has worked. In addition, you will have an idea about nanny’s skills and experience. In this question, it will be interesting to know why the nanny left the place of work.

  3. Please tell me how you will plan yourself from the time you wake up in the morningFrom our experience, organized nannies or DMs succeed in their place of work. This question will give you an idea of how a nanny or a DM will organize her duties and responsibilities.

  4. In case of an emergency, what would you do?: Your kids health is the most important thing and you should hire a nanny with first aid experience. This question will also give you an idea if a nanny is independent and can make quick decisions incase of an emergency
  5. How do you discipline a child who has done something wrong?: A good nanny should be able to follow instructions you give them when it comes to discipling your child. This question will allow you to know a nanny’s perception towards discipline

  6. Do you have specific health or medical condition I should know of?: You should always hire a healthy nanny.
  7. What activities will you do with the children?: A good nanny will have different activities they can play with children of different ages. They should also be in a position to keep up with kids

  8. What are your working hours? Will there be nights, holidays and weekends involved?: This is a very important questions which helps to prevent future conflicts. Make sure you agree on working hours before signing an agreement

  9. What salary do you expect: Make sure you hire a nanny whose salary expectation is in line with your budget. This will prevent any conflicts and disagreement

  10. Are there any religious or spiritual considerations I should be aware of?: In our experience, this has caused a lot of conflicts between nannies and parents. Please make sure you agree on working days.


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